Top of Page During Line Selection

Top of Page During Line Selection

A normal classical report contains only one list where all necessary data (detail data) will be in one single report. In this way the user will see an extensive lengthy report on his screen. The user will not be able to interact with this kind of report. In this way the system will load every possible record for this report. Now this every details may not be needed for different users. But the user will have no other choice to use this kind of report.

In this point of view SAP provides a solution which is interactive report. We can have a brief list report as the very first screen and then as per the need the user will drill the secondary lists which contain detailed data records. Hence the user can interact with the interactive report and the detail list will be generated when the user will need to see that details. This will increase the visibility with user friendly approach of the user.

The events we use in interactive report are:
At line-selection (double click functionality)
At user-command (Push button functionality)
Top-of-page during line selection (It triggers the top of page when we do any drilling of the report)

In the below example we have raised an interactive report where we have used the double click functionality. It means when we see the basic list then we can double click on a particular field (Airline code in this example). By the time we double click on that field the system will show the first secondary list (1st drilling) which is the detailed list of Flight Schedule. That secondary list can also be drilled in to Flight when we double click on the Flight number field. In this way we have three secondary lists.

Now we need to populate different top of page at the time of secondary lists of this report. We have a system table SY-LSIND which stores the values of drilled number. It means when we see the basic list SY-LSIND contains value 0. At the first secondary list it will contain the value of 1 and so on. Now with having the CASE of SY-LSIND we can reach to different top of page functionality and we can write different content.

REPORT  zabap_gui.

*-------Declaring Database Tables for Line type------------------------*
TABLES: scarr, spfli, sflight, sbook.

*------Declaring local structure for Internal tables & Work Areas------*
        carrid    TYPE scarr-carrid,
        carrname  TYPE scarr-carrname,
        currcode  TYPE scarr-currcode,
       END OF ty_scarr,

       BEGIN OF ty_spfli,
        carrid    TYPE spfli-carrid,
        connid    TYPE spfli-connid,
        airpfrom  TYPE spfli-airpfrom,
        airpto    TYPE spfli-airpto,
       END OF ty_spfli,

       BEGIN OF ty_sflight,
        carrid    TYPE sflight-carrid,
        connid    TYPE sflight-connid,
        fldate    TYPE sflight-fldate,
        seatsmax  TYPE sflight-seatsmax,
        seatsocc  TYPE sflight-seatsocc,
       END OF ty_sflight,

       BEGIN OF ty_sbook,
        carrid    TYPE sbook-carrid,
        connid    TYPE sbook-connid,
        fldate    TYPE sbook-fldate,
        bookid    TYPE sbook-bookid,
        customid  TYPE sbook-customid,
       END OF ty_sbook.

*-----Declaring Work Areas & Internal tables---------------------------*
DATA: wa_scarr    TYPE ty_scarr,
      wa_spfli    TYPE ty_spfli,
      wa_sflight  TYPE ty_sflight,
      wa_sbook    TYPE ty_sbook,

      it_scarr    TYPE TABLE OF ty_scarr,
      it_spfli    TYPE TABLE OF ty_spfli,
      it_sflight  TYPE TABLE OF ty_sflight,
      it_sbook    TYPE TABLE OF ty_sbook,

      v_field    TYPE char20,
      v_value    TYPE char20.

*--Event Initialization------------------------------------------------*
  SELECT-OPTIONS s_carrid FOR scarr-carrid.

*--Event Start of Selection--------------------------------------------*

*--Event At Line Selection for Interactive operations------------------*
*--Get Cursor Teacnique - Field & Value will be populated--------------*
  GET CURSOR FIELD v_field VALUE v_value.

  CASE v_field.
      PERFORM data_spfli.

      PERFORM data_sflight.

      PERFORM data_sbook.

*--Event Top of Page for Basic/ Primary Listing------------------------*
TOP-OF-PAGE.  PERFORM top_basic_scarr.

*--Event Top of Page During Line Selection for Interactive Operations--*
*--SY-LSIND is system variable-----------------------------------------*
  CASE sy-lsind. "It will increase its value while drilling the lists
      "one by one by double clicking
    WHEN '1'.
      PERFORM top_spfli.
    WHEN '2'.
      PERFORM top_sflight.
    WHEN '3'.
      PERFORM top_sbook.
*&      Form  data_scarr
*       Get data from Airline table
FORM data_scarr .

  IF s_carrid[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT carrid carrname currcode
      FROM scarr INTO TABLE it_scarr
      WHERE carrid IN s_carrid.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_scarr.
      LOOP AT it_scarr INTO wa_scarr.
        WRITE:/  wa_scarr-carrid,
              15 wa_scarr-carrname,
              38 wa_scarr-currcode.

        AT LAST.
          WRITE: / '==========End of Airline Table==========='.

      MESSAGE 'Airline doesn''t exist' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " data_scarr
*&      Form  data_spfli
*       Get data from Flight Schedule table
FORM data_spfli .

  IF v_value IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT carrid connid airpfrom airpto
      FROM spfli INTO TABLE it_spfli
      WHERE carrid = v_value.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_spfli.

      LOOP AT it_spfli INTO wa_spfli.
        WRITE:/ wa_spfli-carrid,
             15 wa_spfli-connid,
             30 wa_spfli-airpfrom,
             45 wa_spfli-airpto.

        AT LAST.
          WRITE: / '===========End of Flight Schedule============'.

      MESSAGE 'No Flight Schedule' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " data_spfli
*&      Form  data_sflight
*       Get data from Flight table
FORM data_sflight .

  IF v_value IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT carrid connid fldate seatsmax seatsocc
      FROM sflight INTO TABLE it_sflight
      WHERE connid = v_value.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_sflight.
      LOOP AT it_sflight INTO wa_sflight.
        WRITE: / wa_sflight-carrid,
              15 wa_sflight-connid,
              30 wa_sflight-fldate,
              45 wa_sflight-seatsmax,
              60 wa_sflight-seatsocc.

        AT LAST.
          WRITE: / '=============End of Flight============='.

      MESSAGE 'No Flight is there' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " data_sflight
*&      Form  data_sbook
*       Get data from Flight Booking table
FORM data_sbook .

  DATA: v_date TYPE char10.

  IF v_value IS NOT INITIAL.

*--The FLDATE field has different input output format------------------*
        date_external                  = v_value
*       ACCEPT_INITIAL_DATE            =
        date_internal                  = v_date
        date_external_is_invalid       = 1
        OTHERS                         = 2.

    IF v_date IS NOT INITIAL.
      SELECT carrid connid fldate bookid customid
        FROM sbook INTO TABLE it_sbook
        WHERE fldate = v_date.

      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT it_sbook.

        LOOP AT it_sbook INTO wa_sbook.
          WRITE:/ wa_sbook-carrid,
               15 wa_sbook-connid,
               30 wa_sbook-fldate,
               45 wa_sbook-bookid,
               60 wa_sbook-customid.

          AT LAST.
            WRITE: / '==================End of Flight Booking==================='.

        MESSAGE 'No Single Flight Booking Available' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " data_sbook
*&      Form  top_basic_scarr
*       Top of Page for Basic / Primary list
FORM top_basic_scarr .

  WRITE: / 'Airline Details List' COLOR 1.
  WRITE: / 'Airline Code',
        15 'Airline Name',
        38 'Currency'.

ENDFORM.                    " top_basic_scarr
*&      Form  top_spfli
*       Top of Page for first secondary List
FORM top_spfli .

  WRITE: / 'Flight Schedule List' COLOR 2.
  WRITE: / 'Airline Code',
        15 'Flight Number',
        30 'Departure',
        45 'Destination'.

ENDFORM.                    " top_spfli
*&      Form  top_sflight
*       Top of Page for second secondary List
FORM top_sflight .

  WRITE: / 'Flight Details List' COLOR 3.
  WRITE: / 'Airline Code',
        15 'Flight Number',
        30 'Flight Date',
        45 'Available',
        60 'Occupied'.

ENDFORM.                    " top_sflight
*&      Form  top_sbook
*       Top of Page for third secondary List
FORM top_sbook .

  WRITE: / 'Single Flight Booking List' COLOR 4.
  WRITE: / 'Airline Code',
        15 'Flight Number',
        30 'Flight Date',
        45 'Booking Number',
        60 'Customer Number'.

ENDFORM.                    " top_sbook

Here is the output of this.
Selection Screen:

Basic List:

First Secondary List:

Second Secondary List:

Third Secondary List: 

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