ALV Hierarchical Report

ALV Hierarchical Report

We can prepare a report which can display hierarchical data. There will be a header record and hierarchically there will be item wise record. This can be done by a function module REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY.

Prerequisite of this Function Module:
·         This module outputs two internal tables as a formatted hierarchical-sequential list.
·         It needs an internal table containing the set of header information to be output.
·         It needs an internal table containing the set of item information to be output.
·         It needs a layout structure.
·         It needs a field catalog (Header + Item) in the form of an internal table. The field catalog describes the fields to be output in the list.

REPORT  zsr_test.

*-------Declaration of table for select option-------------------------*
TABLES: ekko.

*----Declaration of type pools for ALV slis----------------------------*

*------Declaration of internal table structures------------------------*
        ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
        bukrs TYPE ekko-bukrs,
        aedat TYPE ekko-aedat,
        ernam TYPE ekko-ernam,
        lifnr TYPE ekko-lifnr,
        bedat TYPE ekko-bedat,
        expand,               "Expand operation on header list
       END OF ty_ekko,

       BEGIN OF ty_ekpo,
        ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
        ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
        aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat,
        matkl TYPE ekpo-matkl,
        menge TYPE ekpo-menge,
        meins TYPE ekpo-meins,
        netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh,
       END OF ty_ekpo.

      "Internal tables
      it_ekko TYPE TABLE OF ty_ekko,
      it_ekpo TYPE TABLE OF ty_ekpo,

      "Field catalog work area & tables
      wa_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
      it_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,

      "ALV layout work area
      wa_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,

      "Key information for hierarchical list
      wa_key TYPE slis_keyinfo_alv.

*------Event Initialization--------------------------------------------*
  SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln.

*-----Event Start of Selection-----------------------------------------*
  PERFORM get_ekpo.
  PERFORM field_catalog.
  PERFORM alv_layout.
  PERFORM key_info.
  PERFORM alv_hierseq_list_display.

*&      Form  get_ekko
*       Get data from PO header
FORM get_ekko .

  IF s_ebeln[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln bukrs aedat ernam lifnr bedat
      FROM ekko INTO TABLE it_ekko
      WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_ekko.
      MESSAGE 'PO doesn''t exist' TYPE 'I'.

    MESSAGE 'Enter a Valid PO' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " get_ekko
*&      Form  get_ekpo
*       Get data from PO item
FORM get_ekpo .

  IF it_ekko IS NOT INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln ebelp aedat matkl menge meins netpr peinh
      FROM ekpo INTO TABLE it_ekpo
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_ekko
      WHERE ebeln = it_ekko-ebeln.

    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SORT it_ekpo.

ENDFORM.                    " get_ekpo
*&      Form  field_catalog
*       Preparing the Field catalog for header & item both in one
FORM field_catalog.

  DATA lv_col TYPE i VALUE 0.

  IF it_ekko IS NOT INITIAL.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'EBELN'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Purchase Order'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Company Code'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'AEDAT'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Creation Date'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'ERNAM'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Created By'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'LIFNR'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Vendor'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'BEDAT'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKKO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Purchasing Document Date'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

  IF it_ekpo IS NOT INITIAL.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'EBELN'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Purchase Order'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'EBELP'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Item'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'MATKL'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Material Group'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'AEDAT'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Creation Date'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'MENGE'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'PO Quantity'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'MEINS'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Unit'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'NETPR'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Net Price'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    lv_col            = lv_col + 1.
    wa_fcat-col_pos   = lv_col.
    wa_fcat-fieldname = 'PEINH'.
    wa_fcat-tabname   = 'IT_EKPO'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_l = 'Price Unit'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

ENDFORM.                    "field_catalog
*&      Form  alv_layout
*       ALV layout
FORM alv_layout .

  wa_layout-zebra             = 'X'"Zebra looks
  wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'"Column width optimized
  wa_layout-expand_fieldname  = 'EXPAND'"Expand operation
  wa_layout-window_titlebar   = 'Hierarchical PO Header & Item Display'.

ENDFORM.                    " alv_layout
*&      Form  key_info
*       Key information which is passed to ALV
FORM key_info.

  wa_key-header01 = 'EBELN'"Purchase Order number
  wa_key-item01   = 'EBELN'"is the key for header & item table

ENDFORM.                    "key_info
*&      Form  alv_hierseq_list_display
*       Calling the ALV Hierseq List Display
FORM alv_hierseq_list_display .

  IF it_fcat IS NOT INITIAL.

        i_callback_program = sy-repid
        is_layout          = wa_layout
        it_fieldcat        = it_fcat
        i_tabname_header   = 'IT_EKKO'
        i_tabname_item     = 'IT_EKPO'
        is_keyinfo         = wa_key
        t_outtab_header    = it_ekko
        t_outtab_item      = it_ekpo
        program_error      = 1
        OTHERS             = 2.

    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE 'Internal Error' TYPE 'I'.

ENDFORM.                    " alv_hierseq_list_display

Now execute this program.

This is the output of this.

If we click to expand then it will be looking like this. We can again click there to minimize that also.

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