Modify Table Statement

Internal table can be edited as per requirement. We can modify one particular record when it is required. Two kinds of statements can be used to modify one single line.

MODIFY TABLE internal_tab FROM work_area.
MODIFY internal_tab FROM work_area INDEX sy-tabix TRANSPORTING field1 field2.

Note that by these statements one single line can be modified. We can add more fields as per requirement. We can modify any type of internal table by these statements. After modification the old record is lost completely from the table. If we store it to any outer structure before modification then the old record can be reused.

REPORT  zabap_gui.

* Declaring the local structure of internal table
      BEGIN OF ty_tab,
        item     TYPE char10,
        quantity TYPE i,
        price    TYPE i,
      END OF ty_tab.

* Declaring the Standard internal table with non unique key
      itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tab,
      wtab TYPE ty_tab.

* Entering records to each field
wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 80.

* Now one single row has been fulfilled with data
* Next appending one single row data into the table
APPEND wtab TO itab.

wtab-item = 'Suger'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 90.
APPEND wtab TO itab.

wtab-item = 'Tea'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 100.
APPEND wtab TO itab.

wtab-item = 'Rice'. wtab-quantity = 3. wtab-price = 150.
APPEND wtab TO itab.

wtab-item = 'Horlicks'. wtab-quantity = 1. wtab-price = 200.
APPEND wtab TO itab.

wtab-item = 'Suger'. wtab-quantity = 2. wtab-price = 70.
APPEND wtab TO itab.

WRITE:  /3 'Item',
        13 'Quantity(KG)',
        28 'Price(Rs)'.
WRITE / '=========================================='.
SKIP" Skipping one single line

LOOP AT itab INTO wtab.
  WRITE:  /3 wtab-item,
          12 wtab-quantity,
          25 wtab-price.

WRITE '=========================================='.

LOOP AT itab INTO wtab.
  IF wtab-item = 'Horlicks'.

    wtab-item  = 'Complan'.
    wtab-price = 220.
    MODIFY TABLE itab FROM wtab.

  WRITE:  /3 wtab-item,
        12 wtab-quantity,
        25 wtab-price.

Here the item Horlicks has been modified to Complan.

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